Strathcona County RCMP And Enforcement Services Hold Car Seat Clinic

Sherwood Park, Alta. – Strathcona County RCMP & Enforcement Services in partnership with Alberta Health Services, Public Health Nurses conducted a car seat check on June 12, 2019 at the Emerald Hills Walmart parking lot from 11 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Throughout the check, certified car seat technicians inspected child occupant restraints in 107 vehicles.
Numerous violations were noted during this education based car seat check but no violation tickets were issued. Infractions for occupant restraint violations come with a fine of $155.00, which is issued to the driver. This event was intended to gain compliance and to ensure that all children were properly secured in their car seats.
“It is very important that everyone that has a car seat reads both their vehicles owner manual as well as their car seats manual” says Cody Rossing, Community Peace Officer with Strathcona County’s Integrated Traffic Unit. “A large portion of defects that were noted during the car seat check could have easily been avoided if people read and followed what was instructed in the manuals.”
Strathcona County RCMP & Enforcement Services along with Alberta Health Services will be holding another car seat clinic on August 28, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Emerald Hills Walmart Parking Lot. Stop by at that time to have a certified car seat technician inspect your car seat to make sure your precious cargo makes it home safely!
We would also like to thank Alberta Health Services for their assistance in this important safety event in our community.
For more information about car seat safety, please visit
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